Our solutions to your gifting needs.
Currently, we have two main way of fulfilling large orders.
- Surprise and Delights Program
- This option gives you flexibility to place any order in anyway you'd like.
- By committing to a certain number of gifts, we can discount your order to match your volume through an account specific promo code used at checkout.
- This option is best suited for customers looking to order somewhere less than 15 gifts a month.
- Corporate Bulk Upload
- This is a more direct route for larger orders.
- We provide you a template spreadsheet and you enter the details of your order.
- Again, discount is proportional to volume and is best suited for customers looking to send a large number of gifts each month. (About 30+ boxes each month)
If you're interested, just shoot me an email and I'll respond ASAP - alex@greetabl.com